Sunday, January 9, 2011

Me and Snow -- a memior.

So in honor of the snow that is happening today I would like to tell you all about my relationship with our white, fluffy friend called snow.

Snow and I have always had a pretty good relationship. It started when I was small and learned that living in Oklahoma you don't get much snow so you better appreciate it. 

Later on in life snow and I had an agreement that it would snow enough to get us out of school. 
If it refused it didn't get any fun out of it's life before it was whisked away by the sun.

We were getting along swimmingly---last Christmas it even decided to show up and make every Christmas song come true.

Than things went on the rocks.

It just KEPT snowing and it wasn't even any good.
It didn't get us out of school, it was just cold, and it got icy which isn't much fun.

So snow and me, we were over.

But this year he decided to make it up to me by not being a jerk and snowing a decent amount.

So there you have it. The story of snow and I.
It's a love story (if you couldn't tell) and like every relationships it has had it's difficulties, breakups, and makeups but for now I'm just going to enjoy it's company.
And also hope it gets me out of school tomorrow.

Quote: "Life is random and unfair; life is pandemonium!"